New Tribe
Tattaning Al Badia. Ballerina of tribal fusion with 10 years of experience in dance, have opened her tribe Tanin, shich stands for (DRAGON TRIBE) in Quito Ecuador branch of Zahira Academy , where she will work mainly ATS, tribal fusion based on techniques and movements of Bellydance, pop, hip hop and its diverse styles, the corporal work the essence of the charisma the equality, the companionship and the knowledge will be the fundamental base for a better team work, our tribe will be formed with values, education and constancy to create the dancers of the future, we will create a totally original format respecting the patterns of our dance and base style, regardless of a certain age, we will work this wonderful style that encompasses an endless number of movements and choreographic works that will bring health and well-being to your body.
- Published in About Academy, English